Casos de éxito
Teltronic / Casos de éxito / Category: Public safety

Private LTE in Ceará Prisons

Private LTE in Ceará Prisons Located in the northeastern region of Brazil, the state of Ceará has 37 prison facilities. Frequently, the Secretariat of Penitentiary Administration and Resocialization (SAP/CE) faced challenges related to false accusations of abuse by penitentiary agents, excesses in police actions, and limited integration of forces in incident management. To overcome this … Read more

TETRA+LTE Salvador de Bahia

TETRA+LTE Salvador de Bahia The metropolitan area of Salvador de Bahia has a TETRA communications network that is used by more than 7,000 users from different agencies: fire brigade, civil protection, traffic police… Deployed by Teltronic, the network has been operating successfully for years, meeting the voice and data communication needs of the users. Although … Read more

Ship Hespérides

Ship Hespérides Since its launching in 1991, the Spanish Navy’s Oceanographic Research Vessel (BIO) Hespérides has made an annual voyage to the Antarctic during the southern summers, providing the necessary logistical support to the crews of the Spanish Antarctic Bases, while carrying out a series of scientific campaigns of different kinds. The vessel, the only … Read more


Bermuda Bermuda is a British island approximately 34 km long by 2 km wide located about 1,046 km off the east coast of the United States. Nestled in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, it is a popular holiday destination, hosting several cruise lines on a daily basis, as well as a major business … Read more

Sapura, Malaysia

Sapura, Malaysia GIRN, Government Integrated Radio Network, is the name of the national TETRA network that ensures public safety in Malaysia. This network is used by 14 agencies across the country, providing protection and ensuring the safety of the entire country, including the capital city of Kuala Lumpur and its metropolitan area with more than … Read more

RESCAN, Canary Islands

RESCAN, Canary Islands The Canarian government decided to invest in a communications system that would improve emergency management and guarantee security. For this purpose, the RESCAN network (Red de Emergencias y Seguridad de Canarias) was designed and implemented, which would cover the whole territory and provide communications services to more than 500 user groups. The … Read more


Itelazpi The different institutions in the Basque Country, including the regional government, the three provinces and EUDEL (Association of Municipalities of the Basque Country), decided by mutual agreement to invest in a communications network based on TETRA technology, which would facilitate communications between the different public services. ITELAZPI, a public company under the Department of … Read more