Casos de éxito
Teltronic / Casos de éxito / Category: Industry

Flint Hills

Flint Hills Flint Hills Resources is a leading refining, chemicals and biofuels company. Its Pine Bend refinery, located in Rosemount, Minnesota, has 4,000 radius users. The refinery is the largest in Minnesota and covers approximately 700 acres, with a capacity of 320,000 barrels per day. The Pine Bend refinery employs more than 1,000 full-time employees … Read more

ArcelorMittal Steel Plant

ArcelorMittal Steel Plant The Tubarao steel company is one of the most important plants of the Arcelor Mittal group in Brazil, a leading manufacturer of semi-finished steel products for the automotive industry. The plant is located in the state of Espirito Santo in south-west Brazil. Its location connects it to an extensive network of roads … Read more