Ebro River Basin Authority
The Ebro River Basin Authority is the body responsible for hydrological planning, water management, watercourse management and the operation and maintenance of hydraulic works in the Ebro River demarcation. With 85,534 km2, it is the largest river basin in Spain, and is distributed among nine autonomous communities and around one thousand seven hundred municipalities. In addition, Andorra and France also have territories in the basin.
The CHE needed to replace the TETRA network that supports the Automatic Hydrological Information System (SAIH), which provides information on the basin in real time, and allows efficient management of resources as well as reducing the damage caused by floods.

The SAIH Ebro communications system is made up of two networks that support various essential services for the basin organisation’s information management: a transport network structured as a meshed network of radio links, and a TETRA network, which provides critical voice and data communications services supported by the transport provided by the other.
The CHE needed to renew the existing TETRA network to guarantee the telecontrol service from the Zaragoza Basin Processing Centre, which manages more than 600 measuring stations, located in dams, canals, meteorological stations, etc. throughout the whole basin.
It is an essential service as it ensures the availability of essential information for management and decision-making, both in normal situations and in flood or emergency episodes. In addition, it enables efficient management of hydraulic resources to optimise their allocation and exploitation.